IANUARIE Faza 1 Complet

Proiectare si autorizare. 



Organizare de santier si inceperea lucrarilor.


MARTIE Complet

Deschiderea santierului pentru structura si cele doua nivele de parcare subterana.

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MAI Complet

Finalizarea structurii.


IUNIE in curs



Noiembrie Faza 4


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Februarie Faza 5

Predarea apartamentelor

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Frequently Asked Questions

01How can I buy an aparment in Jardins du Nord?

Contact Us! You can email or call us to set up a meeting. First chose your apartment, we sign an agreement then, your donwpayment will give you the chance to get a discount on your new home!

02How much do I need for down payment?

The downpayment is between 20% and 100%. It has to be something you feel confortable with. But keep in mind that your offer will give you a better chance at a higher discount. If you are interested we can set up a plan for intermediate payments, acording to the development stages of the project.

03Do you offer investor loans?

We don’t have a financing plan. We can, however, offer you all the support for getting financed through a bank of your choice.

Contact us for more details

Contact us for more details

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